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Keep your client Covid free
Covid-19 Safety


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought changes to our personal and professional lives in ways that none of us could have foreseen. We must respond to these changes as they emerge in a way that protects ourselves, our families, our clients – primary and secondary, and in fact everyone else with whom we come in contact, either directly or indirectly.


While wearing a mask and keeping a six-foot distance between us and everyone else not in our immediate household is not now required at all times, we must remain vigilant and take these measures whenever they are required, such as whenever we find ourselves in crowded spaces. We must continue to wash or otherwise sanitize our hands frequently with an alcohol-based sanitizer of no less than 60% alcohol content.


As a service provider (nurse/caregiver, housekeeper, cook, gardener/groundsman) assigned to a client by ANS, you are required to hold sanitation as one key standard of your operation, which means, it is something you must maintain at all times.


The following is a set of standards that we have learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and should continue to practice to prevent catching and spreading upper respiratory tract infections, including Covid-19.

All ANS service providers must observe the following:


1.     Wear a properly fitting mask when you have Signs/symptoms (S/S) of an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection or you are coming in close contact with anyone who has an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.


2.     If you are at home and develop signs and symptoms (S/S) of an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, report to the client that you have these S/S and ask if you may come in wearing a mask, then follow their directives. Do not show up at the location with these S/S without the client knowing and agreeing that you should come in. Once in, assist the client to take the necessary actions to protect themselves and the household from any infection that you might be carrying.  


3.     If you are on duty and you develop (S/S) of an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, discus the matter with the client and put on a mask when coming in contact with him/her/them.


4.     If you take public transportation, sanitize your hands thoroughly when you get off the bus as germs abound in public places.


5.     If your job takes you inside your client’s home (nurses, caregivers, nannies, cooks, groundsmen) change your shoes when you arrive at work and before entering the inner house. This is best done on a veranda and remember that the place where you change your shoes cannot be a part of the house where you go back and forth while you are in the home. If necessary and possible, designate a spot on the veranda beyond which shoes worn on the outside, do not pass.


-   Wash or sanitize your hands after changing your shoes and before entering the house.


-   Remove the clothing worn to work and wash hands and exposed arms before putting on clean clothing that you will work in.


-   Where possible, hang the clothing worn to work outside in sunlight, in an area where it will hang freely and not touch anything else. Remember to avoid contact between the clothing worn to work and the clothing you will be working in.


-   Wash hands before engaging with the client.


6.     When in public spaces, stand upright where possible and avoid leaning against surfaces. If this is not possible, sanitize and change clothing before engaging with clients, colleagues or your household.


7.     Wash your hands frequently with soap for 10-20 seconds and/or use a greater than 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer between clients, between activities, when you use your hands to touch anything that is not newly washed or sanitized; when you are not sure if your hands are clean for any reason.


8.     When coughing or sneezing, cover nose and mouth with a disposable tissue and discard it safely in the garbage. An handkerchief used and placed in your pocket or your elbow after coughing or sneezing there, will spread an infection.


9.     If you share a telephone, clean the phone with alcohol swabs frequently.


10.  Use headphones or Bluetooth with your cellphones rather than taking the phone close to your mouth to speak as you frequently place your phone on surfaces that you do not sanitize and any of these surfaces may be contaminated.


11.  When taking the bus, have the exact payment so there will be no need to collect change. Sanitize your hands as soon as you get off the bus.


12.  When you get home, remove your clothing, place it directly into washing, and leave the shoes worn on the street outside the safe area in your home.  Bathe and change before interacting with your home and family


13.  Nurses escorting a client to keep an appointment outside of the home, please take along masks for yourself and   your client and put them on if you are forced to remain in an enclosed space with anyone coughing, sneezing, or   exhibiting any other upper respiratory tract symptoms. Do so discreetly and ensure that you do not comment on   the person with the S/S.


       -   When you and the client return home from keeping appointments, thoroughly sanitize yourself and the client. This includes sanitizing hands, arms, and exposed legs, and changing shoes and clothing.


14.  Use disinfectant wipes at the stores, to wipe handles, rails and carts and child seat in grocery carts. 

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